PRIJAVI PROBLEM – najlakši način da na bilo kakav problem u Vašem ukažete uz pomoć ove aplikacije.
Ona je koncipirana tako da građanin koji uoči neki problem, bilo infrastrukturni (opasne rupe na putu, prekopi, rasveta), komunalni (divlje deponije, vandalizam-polomljene klupe, drveće) ili problem neke druge prirode, može putem aplikacije da izabere najpre preduzeće koje je zaduženo za rešavanje tog problema, po potrebi napravi i fotografiju mobilnim telefonom i to samo jednim klikom, unese opis problema i o tom problemu alarmira nadležno preduzeće.
Report a problem - the easiest way to any problem in your point out with the help of this application.
It is designed so that the citizen who notices a problem, either infrastructure (dangerous potholes, canals, lighting), municipal (illegal dumps, vandalism-broken benches, trees) or the problem of a different nature, may, by application to choose the first company that is responsible for resolving this problem, if necessary, make the photo mobile phone with just one click, enter a description of the problem and the issue alert the competent company.